Friday, September 26, 2008

Recent Photos

Time to spend on the computer is a rare commodity for me these days. I just have to post a few recent pictures of the kiddos, though, before I get Cade in bed for a nap and finish up school with Ethan. Then maybe I'll think about all the dirty dishes in the sink and the piles of clean laundry in my room. But then again, maybe by that time Gracie will be awake again and want to eat. At least I have happy, healthy and mostly clean children. That's something, anyway.
Gracie at 12 weeks.
the boys & their princess
i can almost roll over from my back to my tummy, but not quite
uh-oh, it looks like it runs in the family

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

School Daze

Ethan, Cade and I have been doing school for over a month now. Ethan started his new first grade books after Labor Day and--for the most part--enjoys school and learning very much. Here are a few pictures of some typical things that we do during the day here at home.

Ethan working on his phonics workbook.

Cade sorting plastics coins in an egg carton.

The boys and their princess. They are getting very good at entertaining her.

Fat baby barely fits on Cade's lap, but he still likes to hold her.

Ethan reading to Dad in the evening.