Thursday, October 30, 2008

October 2008

What a busy month for the Wassenaars! A 6-day trip to the Midwest for a wedding in Racine, WI, two special birthdays, and a visit from Grandpa and Grandma Lachmann in Tennessee. Gracie continues to grow and get even cuter--as if that were possible! ;-) She was 13 lbs, 8 oz, and 24 3/4" today at her 4-month check. The reason I am able to finally post these pics is because she is taking an extra-long nap because of all her shots. Yes! View the slide shows to the right to see more pics.

Brady & Ethan, the birthday boys.
We had so much fun with G&G; they will definitely have to come again soon!

Ethan's birthday morning. Big brothers are so great at making sure little brothers smile and look at the camera.

Ethan and Cade really had to work hard at Grandma's house.

I don't know why everyone doesn't have one of these. They're so much fun. And so practical too.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Ethan's Baptism

Sunday, October 5, was an awesome day for our family! On January 22, 2008, Ethan had made the decision to ask Jesus to be his Savior. This past Wednesday, he decided he was ready to be baptized in order to make a public profession of that faith. It was all his own initiative and he was super excited about it! Brady was able to do the baptism and it was a blessing to see Ethan take this step in his walk with Jesus. Brady's family came to support Ethan and witness this special occasion.

All smiles!
A moment with Mom before the event...
I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Three months old and loving it!

Gracie Beth has turned a corner!. Now that she is three months old and rolling over, she is able to occupy herself for much longer periods of time. She is also very entertained by Ethan and Cade and is almost always happy if they are playing near her. She loves to sit in her swing and watch them do school or sit in her reclining high chair and watch their antics at the dinner table. She thinks she's a big shot. Observe the following pictures...

Watch out, world, here I come!
It is only a matter of time before she will be tormenting her brothers by following them around and getting into all their toys. Ethan is already planning ways to play and keep her out of his way. =)