Saturday, February 28, 2009

Growing Up Too Fast

Gracie was 8 months old yesterday, and time isn't slowing down at all! She seems to be growing up faster than the boys did! Her hair is past her eyes already too. It has been a challenge to keep it food-free during mealtimes. Here is a pic of her crazy hair after a bath.

Gracie loves standing now and also feeling her bottom teeth with her tongue. The top ones are causing her some grief right now--hopefully they'll pop through soon.

We have been playing outside as much as possible during the intermittent warmer and non-raining days that we've had.

What baby doesn't like to sit and bang on a piano? Gracie is no exception!
I've come to realize that life with three kids is busy just because there are now three small bodies that all need feeding, clothing, bathing, and loving and sometime all at the same time. Just getting a grocery list made and getting to the grocery store can be a huge undertaking! Then after carting it all home, I think, Wow, I won't need to go back for a whole month! Of course the next week, we are back again. =)
Then add to life with three home educating Ethan and now Cade with a baby crawling around in the mix, church activities, basketball, Wednesday Bible Study, several piano lessons and you've got a busy week for the Wassenaar family. I thank God that He is giving me contentment and joy to be at home with my children and also the desire to be responsible to teach and train them during these very formative years. Brady's and my desire for them is that they would "grow in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men".


Beck, Helen and Will's Mom said...

Hey Ruth Ann! I missed you at the basketball game this morning! I hope that Cade and Gracie Beth are well! The new pictures on your blog are great! Your family is beautiful and you are a wonderful mother!

Andria said...

Oh, I love you, my dearest friend! You're such a good mommy. I loved this post, and I can't believe how big the kiddos are getting. Can't wait for April 7th!!!